Wednesday, March 15, 2006 is born and the too! is up now and it redirects to the site on it's own special town index page, the same page as the Southern Adirondack Trail redirects to. Went up today and started in Speculator, at the northern end of the Southern Adirondack Trail. Came into a snow squall all the way from Speculator south-west to Little Falls. Mainly just some patrolling and casual selling. While talking on my cell and watching trains in Little Falls, I managed to knock my stupid glasspack muffler and wound about 16 feet of old copper railroad telegraph wire around my left rear drive axle. Went to a convenience store in the middle of town and the nice shopkeeper lent me a pair of linesman's pliers, which cut it apart finally, saving my axle's boots. Since then, I've secured the muffler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work, hoss!