News Flash
NEW for 10/31/2008, There are Paper Brochures for this Site with my customers' listings available in over 60 venues from Albany to Lake George & North Creek, including both NB rest stops at Exits 9 & 18. This makes my Adirondack Northway site even a better place to advertise
I am working feverishly in Word 2K to put together that three fold brochure, readying it for the printer. I already paid the two folks in Lake George to distribute it. Likewise, I have been fixing up my Adirondack Northway site. It sat like an some fun old car in the woods for a year or two. So when I looked at some of those pages I haven't touched in years I was horrified at the backwardness. I created a little page, table and function to manage what pages what customer ads go on, so I don't have to hunt down and delete them myself, it's all done from a special page. But I have been working like a dog to upgrade all those lame old pages. When I first started it, I copied over the old crap from NYRoute30 as a start. I can still see the old 4 column tables I used for ads until I went to two columns and used includes that had rows for ads. Which makes that about three years out of date, like the Champlain page. But I have been adding new customers, pictures and redoing the ads with the new ad table function. Lot's of work but worth it!