Friday, May 27, 2005

Went up the Northway to Exit 18, Glens Falls. Crowded on the road, everyone streaming up north for the Memorial Day Weekend. Didn't get any business but got some good pics and info on exits and rest areas, which I posted already. But I built a good database access page for this morning and not only does it work, but it kicks butt! In Glens Falls, I followed the signs to the Queensbury Hotel, expecting to find some simple tourist place. But it's actually a pretty decent old fashioned downtown hotel circa 1920, but with an indoor pool and grand ballrooms. I talked to some shift manager, but I had fun connecting to their wi-fi network and surfing in their huge lobby. Glens Falls has the worst traffic pattern and lights for a city so small. Even the road that connects it to Exit 18 is utterly substandard side street quality road. On the way back, I was cruising the right lane at 66 mph @ 2900 rpm's when some old fool in a Buick tried to merge into me at Exit 14, Saratoga Yaddo and Racetracks. But being a Buick, I was prepared for his knucklehead move. Funny, but he didn't look old but more like some pompous fool. Remember Jer's Rule #12 of the Road: Buick and Caddy drivers are the pits and it's best to avoid them like a plague!

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